We an issue we were able to cunningly solve in the query editor; we wanted to show in our report which values in one query had a match in the other. One query was a list of features on a site, the other was a list of core features. We wanted the site features to […]
Category: Digital
Data | Software | Intranets | Automation | Sharepoint | Power BI | Power Automate | Power Apps

I was delighted to see the ‘Copy to/Paste from clipboard’ feature introduced some months ago; however I could never seem to get it working from one switch condition to another. After a bit of research, I found a way to do it…
We wanted to improve our communications, and figured that understanding the characteristics of messages that had lots of ‘likes’ would help us do that. A request to find the most liked Yammer messages in our network was received, and we and figured out a way to find it…
If you have a need to embed an image with clickable sections within it across SharePoint (or any web content management system, for that matter), there is a reasonably easy way to accomplish this…
What is a plug-in? Where do they go? What are the essential ones? And where do I find them all in one file? Let the Information Handyman guide you through this three-step process for adding functionality to your WordPress installation…
Since the Paypal buttons are such an important part of getting folks to cough up, it’s imperative they behave as users might expect a link to. However the default buttons don’t change when you hover over them which, being the meticulous/analy-retentive guy that I am, I simply had to resolve.
Imagine a future where we find ourselves without a written record of the past; a ‘digital dark age’. Because just as digital content is easy to create it is as easy to lose. So where we ruthlessly delete content that doesn’t get used, if we don’t ensure the right information gets stored for the future […]
Late last week I met with Harold Jarche, who was one of the closing speakers at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum. One of the opening speakers, Steve Wheeler was also at the hotel and joined us for the first hour. We had a wide-ranging discussion that had implications for a number of knowledge management issues. […]
I believe your intranet can help staff find the information they are likely to need faster. It can be the popular, respected and well used digital library that your staff expect it to be. But according to CMSWire, in a recent survey of over 20,000 employees from 67 organizations, this is not often the case:
One of the abiding concerns of records managers is how to manage emails. Theoretically it is simple; they should be managed as you would other records. Practically, however, the situation is fraught with complexity…
Normally when we work on an intranet it is to provide direct business benefits; to find effective and efficient ways to improve company profits. ‘Let’s publish more brochures to help win work’ or ‘Let’s do a round of health and safety awareness to limit our liability’. Studies abound, however, linking employee satisfaction with an improved […]
Communities of practice often grow organically from a forum to needing a website to store relevant information on to a full blown site riddled with features. As this occurs it can gradually lead to a diaspora of resources across a variety of platforms as new functionality requirements – document storage, webpage editing, calendar functionality, search […]