Staying safe on the internet can be a worry. Viruses and malware can inadvertently appear or be clicked on, and you won’t necessarily know what is out there unless your virus detection software picks up on it. It is even worse when you have children to consider, because the content on a website won’t necessarily […]
Category: Digital
Data | Software | Intranets | Automation | Sharepoint | Power BI | Power Automate | Power Apps
In today’s ‘information age’ we’re often confronted with a variety of content types – Open Office, MS Word, PDFs, scanned images even. Increasingly however the webpage is becoming the content type of choice. And for good reasons over and above other formats. Web pages:
In my previous post I dealt with a fundamental difference between records management and the Web 2.0 environment – namely hierarchical classification vs tagging. I posited that EDRMS providers will have to take this, as well as other Web 2.0 functionality, into consideration when building their systems for the future. Steve Bailey has prompted this […]
Sure, content is king, but without some hip design features, you’re headed for the dustbin of Web 1.0. Read on, reader, to find links to the best selection of themes, an easy to use generator to customise your own theme and instructions on how to make that theme work on your site.
How to subscribe to an RSS feed
What’s all this RSS business, and why do people keep wanting me to ‘subscribe’?
In the computer software market there is a movement that is gaining tremendous momentum throughout the world. It promises a way out of the trap that has been snaring businesses and consumers. A trap that forces them to pay for a dizzying collection of services that they are unable to modify, and probably don’t want.
We’ve all seen them, those swish looking professional sites featuring regular updated articles that everyone is always linking to and which seem to attract all the traffic. Maybe you’ve a pile of content itching to be let loose with your creative juices or you’d just like to show your family what you’re up to without […]
Most of us are aware of the chilling environmental catastrophe lurking around the corner if we don’t do something drastic now to lesson our tread on the planet’s fragile ecosystem. Here are some no-nonsense, effective tips to not only alter your behaviour to save the planet but make considerable long-term cost and efficiency savings for […]
Bright, enthusiastic and driven to bring information management to the fore in the minds of the nation’s leaders, Natalie Ceeney, the youthful ‘Keeper of the Records’ at The National Archives delivered an inspirational opening address to the delegates of the twenty-first Records Management in Government conference in Newcastle on the 4th of October, 2006.
There are a number of sources for training seminars, workshops, conferences and other events in UK knowledge, records and information management sector, but none seem to bring them all together. Enter the Information Handyman’s Information Calendar:
A help file to assist you with using the free Freedom of Information Act monitoring software available from the ‘FOI Monitor’ link above.

A help file to assist you with using the free Information Auditing software available from the ‘Information Auditor 2.3 link above.