Information management policies – why we need them
Let’s start by asking what is an information policy? Though organisations will vary on the scope of a policy, it is generally a document that has been approved by senior management that covers how employees…
Freedom of information: answering requests
We’ve covered how to ask a Freedom of Information Act question to a public authority, but how should you expect your public authority to reply? Or, for those who are receiving a request, how do…
Quicklaunch: configuring the taskbar
Most of us use a particular set of applications, folders and webpages on a more regular basis than others. Since Windows 95 there’s been a clever solution to allow you to start those items directly…
UK Freedom of Information: How to submit a request
There was much ado in January 2005 when the Freedom of Information Act came into force, with newspapers publicising some high profile instances where they had used the Act to obtain information. However, many people…
Clever calendar counsel II: putting it online
So you’ve set up your Outlook/Thunderbird calendar and found it to be useful in organising your day to day life? You may have even found out how to access the schedules of colleagues who work…
Bright browsing: smart internet surfing
Different browsers have different benefits, and slightly different tools or shortcuts to those tools. So which browser are you using? Back in 2002 Microsoft’s Internet Explorer had captured 95% of the market but these days…
Why use records management?
It’s not uncommon for people within the records management profession to be undervalued. The fact is, most people think little of it but a new politically correct term for a filing clerk. As someone who’s…
Folder structures: where should we put records?
We’ve all been there – finding ourselves lost in a jumble of documents. But with a little forethought you will be able to create an effective set of folders for your documents to clean up…
Clever calendar counsel
Whereas many of us used to keep a diary for important and upcoming events or meetings, there’s been a steady encroachment on this by the advent of software capable of scheduling appointments and meetings and…
Think you know how to copy and paste?
Any fool will proclaim ‘I know how to do that!’, but do you know how to maximise the potential of the keyboard to speed up the copy and paste task? Many of you may know…
What is a record?
What is a record? A perenial question asked by records professionals as well as their clients. Back in the paper age records managers kept a tight grip on the definition of a record. In order…
One ‘home’ page: personalising the internet
Whenever we log onto the internet, the plethora of things we can do is daunting – check our emails, view our calendar, purchase any manner of items from online auctions or shops, find a ‘soulmate’,…